Tuesday, August 13, 2013

13-Aug-2013 12:16

German gov't dismisses report Buba expects more Greek aid - Reuters :: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/12/greece-aid-germany-idUSB4N0EP01C20130812

Regulators Examine Aluminum Warehousing - Wall Street Journal :: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324769704579008732432834104.html?mod%3Dgooglenews_wsj

In Move for Economy, Mexican President Seeks Foreign Investment in Energy - New York Times (blog) :: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/13/world/americas/mexican-president-invites-foreign-investment-in-energy.html

Cheaper clothing helps damp UK price rises - Financial Times :: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/78c4ed96-03f6-11e3-a8d6-00144feab7de.html

BlackBerry starts looking for buyer or partner as new OS struggles - PCWorld :: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2046443/blackberry-starts-looking-for-buyer-or-partner-as-new-os-struggles.html

New bidder offers $477 million for Steinway Musical Instruments - Boston.com :: http://www.boston.com/business/markets/2013/08/12/new-bidder-offers-million-for-steinway-musical-instruments/7JtbjE5zrWYMoGq9OlKZ3L/story.html

JPMorgan Cazenove Lowers J.C. Penney Co. Price Target to $13.00 (JCP) - The Utah People's Post :: http://utahpeoplespost.com/2013/08/jpmorgan-cazenove-lowers-j-c-penney-co-price-target-to-13-00-jcp/

Hyperloop Update: Elon Musk Will Start Developing It Himself - Forbes :: http://www.forbes.com/sites/hannahelliott/2013/08/12/latest-update-elon-musk-will-start-the-hyperloop-himself/

Beijing cracks down on bizarre apartment-top villa - USA TODAY :: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/13/beijing-cracks-down-on-bizarre-apartment-top-villa/2646941/

Euro rises after robust German ZEW survey, yen weakens - Reuters :: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/13/us-markets-forex-idUSBRE97402V20130813

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